Non - Discrimination Policy
I. Equal Employment Opportunities/ Affirmative Action
It has always been the established policy of ECC to select the best qualified person for every job. The term qualified applies to merit, qualifications, skills and abilities.
No one will discriminate in any aspect of employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, ethnic background, veterans status, disability, sexual orientation, marital/family status, or any other characteristics protected by federal, state and local law. "Any aspects of employment" pertains to recruiting, interviewing, selecting, promotions, lateral moves, demotions, compensation, benefits, training, educational opportunities, termination, and all other privileges, terms and conditions of employment.
It is ECC's policy that we all should continually strive to ensure that all staff members are treated with the utmost understanding and respect at all times and that staff members are protected from reprisal if they file a complaint or participate in any manner in an investigation.
II. Harassment
This policy assures that all employees are provided a work environment free of discrimination and of any conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive and disruptive. It is the policy of the ECC to comply with the applicable federal, state, and local laws that prohibit discrimination and/or harassment of any individual. Employees should not offend the reasonable sensibilities of co-workers or third parties.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
- Verbal harassment such as epithets, derogatory comments or slurs;
- Physical harassment such as assault or other offensive unwanted physical conduct impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or movement directed at any individual;
- Visual forms of harassment such as derogatory or explicit posters, pictures, cartoons or drawings; or
- Sexual harassment such as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as sexually oriented gestures, comments, displays or publications, or lewd talk and jokes when:
- Submission to such conduct is either an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is the basis for employment decisions; or
- such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment
Harassment in any form by any person present at a location or company-sponsored event will not be tolerated. If an employee, male or female, believes they are being harassed, they are required to report any incidents to the Practice Administrator or, if more appropriate, directly to Dr. Holtz or Dr. Ditkoff. Information received will remain confidential and all harassment complaints will be investigated.
All employees of The Eye Care Center who are aware of any incidents of harassment in the workplace are required to report such incidents to the appropriate management or staff members.
Open Door Policy
Reporting Procedure
- Any employee who experiences any form of harassment should let the harasser know that His/her behavior, comments and/or gestures are unwelcome and offensive. In other words, they should tell the person to stop.
- If the employee prefers not to confront the offending party, or if the employee confronts them and their attempts fail, they should report the complaint to the Practice Administrator or, if more appropriate, directly to Dr. Holtz or Dr. Ditkoff.
- The Practice Administrator will conduct a thorough investigation of every complaint in as confidential a manner as possible.
- After the investigation, if the determination is made that prohibited conduct has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Depending upon the severity of the harassment, the discipline may range from a warning placed in the offending employee's personnel file to immediate termination.
III. Americans with Disabilities Act
The Company will fully comply with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
It is the Company's policy to treat all employees without discrimination because of physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the employee is qualified, and to treat them equally in all employment practices such as the following: rate of pay or other forms of compensation, benefits, training, transfer or demotion, layoff or termination and all other terms, conditions and privileges of employment.
The Company will make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of qualified applicants or employees with disabilities to enable them to perform essential job duties, such accommodation would impose undue hardship on the operation of the business.
The Company will maintain all information regarding the medical condition or history of applicants, Employees and employee's dependants on separate forms and in separate locked medical files and will treat such information as a confidential medical record, to be utilized only as permitted by law.
- COVID Vaccination Required (Y/N)- No - unless mandated by State or Federal Government
- Medical exemption Accepted (Y/N)- Yes - with documentation if vaccine is mandated
- Religious Exemption Accepted (Y/N)- Yes - with documentation if vaccine is mandated
- Periodic COVID Testing Required (Y/N)- No
- Booster Required (Y/N)- No - unless mandated by State or Federal Government
- Effective Date- August 13, 2021